Know Step of Love Marriage & Khula Procedure in Pakistan By Lawyers

Erum Hafeez
4 min readMar 11, 2021


Love Marriage & khula Procedure in Pakistan:

Jamila Law Associates can conduct your love marriage in Pakistan, divorce in Pakistan and khula procedure in Pakistan. This grows to love, He who takes precedence in greeting gets more reward. He who walks (or enters the house) should greet the one who is seated after divorce in Pakistan and khula procedure in Pakistan. The youngster should greet his elder. Shaking hands clears the heart and sins are forgiven by that. (T’alimul din).

Dissolution of Marriage Through Khula Procedure in Pakistan:

Dissolution of marriage through the khula procedure in Pakistan is the right of every Wife. The Khula Process in Pakistan is not very difficult for the dissolution of marriage in Pakistan. Advocate Jamila Ali is the best lawyer in Lahore Pakistan for the services of all kinds of legal cases especially Khula in Pakistan. Because she has well experience in the field of family court. And they made the short khula Pakistani law for the females. Here you need to prepare the khula paper in Pakistan in light of khula Pakistan family Law. Our Consultant will provide you the khula certificate in Pakistan after complete the case of khula in family court. If you want to know the khula procedure for overseas Pakistani then call advocate Jamila Ali @ 0092–3234910089 directly.

Announce your arrival by salam or speech or in some way, do not sit behind something concealed from others so that your arrival is unknown to them. (Added Zindagi P-41). Meet others happily with a smiling face to please them. (Talim Uddin). There can be no friend greater than a wife. To speak with friends is a kind of worship because to please a believer is worship. (Huquq uz Zawjayn) 5, According to a Hadith, if a husband places a morsel in his wife’s mouth then it is sadaqah and fetches reward. (Raf ul Iltibas). It is the demand for modesty that a husband should not agree to his wife writing-off the dower. He must pay it to her. (Anfas Eesa v-l P-301, Hasan ul Aziz v-l P-323)


Men must joke and play with their wives before divorce in Pakistan and khula procedure in Pakistan. The wisdom in that is to expand one another’s hearts and fight off hesitancy. There is no harm in being good-natured and in joking to make someone happy provided you do not tell lies and hurt someone’s feelings, (Talim Uddin P-54) MAN SHOULD DISCLOSE HIS LOVE Men do express their love but women cancel it because it is an adornment for men but a drawback for women whom modesty prevents from speaking out. However, their hearts hold to love. (Al Itadad al Yawmiyah, v-2 P-208)


In Arabia, the wife stands up in respect of her husband when he comes to her on the first night and she offers salaam before divorce in Pakistan and khula procedure in Pakistan. When he removes his outer garments, she takes them and places them neatly and in an orderly manner. But, this is not appropriate for the Indians in whom it might grow shamelessness while the Arabs maintain it out of frankness.


Some people write the Surah al-Ikhlas on the bride’s forehead, The subject matter is purity and it does not seem appropriate unless they hope for a pure and sincere love between the two. So they must suppose it (Ikhlas) to mean love, otherwise, they may write verses of love. First of all, it is wrong to imagine Ikhlas to mean love. There certainly is a blessing in Allah’s names but there should be a relation with the occasion and the Surah al-Ikhlas has no bearing with this occasion. Besides, only a Mahram may write to them (verses of love) before divorce in Pakistan and khula procedure in Pakistan. It is wrong to ask a non-Mahram to write to them. (al Idafatal-yawmiyah v-2 p- 158). Our female lawyers in Lahore Pakistan is here for services of services of all kind of lawsuit.



Erum Hafeez
Erum Hafeez

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